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Disrupt harmful
patterns of
behavior with

Digital health support that always has your back.

We're building the future of behaviour change technology, using machine learning to recognise each person's unique behaviour patterns around craving and high-risk health behaviour, and then deliver "just in time adaptive interventions" (JITAI) to help them overcome the most challenging moments of behaviour change.

We believe that if we can support you through cravings, we will help you prevent lapse and so reach and sustain your long term health goals. And it's not just for smoking, or alcohol - but vaping, gambling, steroids, gaming, sex and love addiction, skin picking - any behaviour you might want to stop, that's where Curb can help you. 

We partner with employers, healthcare providers and individuals to enable
long lasting health.


Support policy-holder well-being and reduce the cost and frequency of claims

Healthcare providers

Improve patient self management, gather population level health insights and reducing preventable costs


Access a consistent, high standard of care, leading to improved personal health outcomes

90% of trial participants who completed a four-week pilot said Curb helped them quit or cut down drinking

Curb offers a continuous model of care, to predict and prevent adverse health outcomes.

92% of studies conclude that cravings predict relapse

Curb technology focuses on supporting patients through those high risk moments to enable long lasting recovery and good health.

Enjoying Coffee
“I haven't managed to stop drinking for two weeks before! I am so thankful to this app, it really seems to be working for me. It is holding me accountable and helping in those tricky moments.”

- Pilot Participant

“I made the decision to quit alcohol so many times before and relapsed into binge drinking. I feel, with Curb, that someone is holding my hand while guiding me through the process. But, that I am ultimately in control.”

- Pilot Participant

“It’s a great platform - it really has helped me being more mindful in my drinking as opposed to cutting the ties completely.”

- Pilot Participant


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